Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This is Bonnie. She is only 3 inches tall! Forgive me, I did not get a picture of her next to a quarter or anything to show her size more. Her hat is about an 1 1/2 inches so she is grand total of 4 1/2 inches, lol. She is a SassafrasCo Original. Made from shaved fur felt, with coffee stained blue and cream fabric hat and ruffle collar, sparkle tinsel detail and rusty bells. WSOAPP will be doing a giveaway in the near future and Bonnie will be a part of the excitement. She was fun to make so I hope whoever wins her, enjoys her too.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

New in WSOAPP Shoppe

Introducing Eli the Elephant and Miss Larrie. (Clicking on images will take you to my WSOAPP Shoppe.) Both are SassafrasCo Original patterns, so I'm very excited about them. :)


Made by Lena