Monday, January 5, 2009

What's Past and What's New

Man, it is so hard to believe that Christmas and New Year's have come and gone. I know everyone says that but its still true! We had a good Christmas. Spent Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas day at home, so fairly quiet holidays. New Year's was quiet too. I fell asleep at 10 or so on the couch and missed the ball drop! Woke up 2 minutes too late. I did manage to finish a rabbit and start a bear though. Here is Miss Lela Bunny:

Click the picture to go to my WSOAPP shoppe.


Maggie/Cedar Hill Rustics said...

Lauren I have just given you an award.
Jump over and pick it up. Blessings Maggie
Cedar Hill Rustics

Love You Cherishables said...

Hi Lauren,

I just love this pink bear!!

I'm going to add you to my blog so more people can see your wonderful work!!



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